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We have been listening to many members' feedback regarding our TCA sign-up process. In the last couple of years, a few families had trouble signing up with WordPress accounts and our local payment system. We are really sorry about that 😥!

Last year 2022 we rolled out a new online registration system using Google Forms and using Paypal as the straight-forward payment system. It is easy to use and as long as you have access to the internet, you can finish it in around 2-minutes. 😄

What do we have in store for you?

This year TCA has been busy serving our community in Treeby. We already organised the Australia Day breakfast, family movie nights, busy bees for the community gardens and much more.

The year is not over yet, we still have a lot to offer! 🥳

By joining TCA, you can get access to these events for free and get the latest update on our community news and more! 

Please join our Facebook Group Treeby Community Association to get the latest updates.

Since the opening of our Treeby Community and Sports Centre, TCA has been running weekly wellness programs. Including, yoga, Latin dance, playgroup, board games etc.

Here is a snippet of what we are offering in the next quarter of 2023. Keep in mind that TCA members can enjoy these programs for free, otherwise, there is a small fee for these events.

Events for the remaining of the year 2023 will be posted at the end of September. For more information, check our FB page.

Membership Fee (1st July 2023 to 30 June 2024)

We have also simplified the payment for families and individuals. You can pay via EFT or Paypal.

$10.00    per person, or
$20.00   per household, or
$5.00     associate member per financial year (1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023)

Can be paid by EFT to the TCA bank account:
BSB: 633 000
Account No: 161 885 520

or Credit Card/PAYPAL available

Please put down the reference as your "surname + mobile".


You can sign up for Treeby Community Association 2023-2024 by clicking here or by copying and pasting the link below

We also have a QR Code that takes you to the same TCA registration form

If you want to register the old-school way, we can help you with that too. Please contact for the paper form.

Please let us know if you encounter any issues with this new registration process.

Thank you for joining the TCA family 💖 Looking forward to seeing you around!