If you see trash along your road or in your neighborhood, please take the time to pick it up and throw it away 🚮. If you are at the park, please use the public bins for your trash, cigarette butts, and finished cans/bottles.
Please be considerate of others who also might be walking where you have walked by disposing of your dog waste💩. Doggie bags are available in the yellow tubes located throughout the estate. If the doggie bags run out, please report it to Cockburn council customer@cockburn.wa.gov.au.
If every person just took a few minutes each week to dispose of trash, we could easily keep our community beautiful ✨! Thank you for your time and contribution! 😍
Upcoming Bulk-Waste Verge Collection (30th March 2020) ♻️
Cockburn residents receive two bulk waste and bulk garden organics verge collections a year.
Placing your waste on the verge 🗑️
Following are rules and guidelines for placing your waste out for verge collection:
- Place waste on the verge by 6am no more than three (3) days prior to scheduled verge collection date
- Place waste approximately 1 metre back from the kerb
- Ensure you have not obstructed footpaths and driveways
- If you have synthetic turf, contact us to arrange an alternative collection point
- Ensure a maximum of approximately two trailer loads (or 2m3) of waste
- Ensure the City’s pickup vehicle is not obstructed by trees, sprinklers or vehicles
- Allow 5-7 working days from your scheduled verge collection date for waste to be collected
- If combining waste with neighbours, contact us prior to scheduled verge collection date.
Important note: placing waste on the verge more than three days prior to the schedule verge collection, or after, may incur a $200 litter infringement notice.

For more information please visit the City of Cockburn Verge Collection website. If you got any questions you canemail them or call 08 9411 3444.